Hi I’m Momo

An illustrator from Thailand who loves to draw a little girl, Minmin, and her fluffy friends in magical places. Hopefully, you will be surrounded with joy when you see my artwork, and don’t forget to follow me on social media for more cute things :)

-Somewhere only we know-I hope there is somewhere that we can be ourselves, barefoot on the grass, and dance around in the Sunlight with happiness.

-Dream High-You deserve everything your heart desires. Find your courage, and let’s see how high you can fly.

-Overflowing feeling-Sometimes, our messy feelings are overwhelming because of that giant fluffy creature of fear and stress.

-Safe zone-We decide to be in the little safe zone box, even though there are many stars of chance that we can embrace.

-The courage seed-When you find the courage seed in your soul, it will be your guardian, protecting you from cowardice.

-The journey begins-Be brave, control the creature of your fear, grab your courage seed, up to the balloon, and start your own journey to the dream.

-Underneath the Aurora-The journey will make you see an incredible world that you have never seen before.

-Little Town Road-Find the road that takes you to the place where you belong.

-Field of wildflowers-Be independent, free, brave, and strong like a wildflower.

-Dewdrop spirit-Everything in nature has its magic, even tiny things like dewdrops.

-The magician-Artists have magic at their fingertips, using a paintbrush as a magic wand and creating magical art as if they were magicians.